Payment methods & conditions

Payment method Germany France Austria Netherlands Switzerland Spain European Union
PayPal: Pay Later
Credit Card
Pre-payment via bank transfer
Purchase on account
Direct banking


You can use the PayPal online payment service for orders worth up to 5,000 Euro. Pay simply, safely and quickly, with no additional costs for you. Your bank account or credit card information is only recorded by PayPal and you need only two clicks to pay because the recorded data is automatically linked to your order.  

Purchase on account

Comfortably pay your order via bank transfer after you receive the goods. We offer you this service from a purchase value of 50 Euro up to 3,000 Euro including VAT & delivery costs and currently only for customers in Germany and Austria.

Another requirement is that the delivery and invoice address of your order are identical.

Please transfer the amount only to the bank information stated on the invoice so we won’t have trouble matching your payment to your order.

Pre-payment via bank transfer

When paying in advance you receive a 3% discount for the value of the goods. After completing the order you receive an automated order confirmation e-mail with all necessary information, including our bank details. Please transfer the invoice amount as quickly as possible, because we can only start processing your order after receipt of payment. The order is shipped after your payment has reached our account.

Please do not forget to state the order number, which you have received in the order confirmation e-mail, in the reference line (e.g., order 1000345).

Credit card

You can pay us by credit card. We accept American Express, Visa and MasterCard. Once your payment has been processed, your purchased items are reserved for you. For orders up to €500, your credit card will be charged immediately with the total amount. For orders over €500, your credit card will only be charged after your goods have been dispatched.

American Express choice   Eurocard choice   VISA choice

Direct banking

Payment via direct banking is safe, fast, and easy. It is processed via our respective service partners, who also are the payee.
Your payment is directly forwarded to us and we can immediately begin processing your order. There’s no faster or easier way! In the Netherlands, we work with “iDeal” and in Belgium with "Belfius", "KBC online", "CBC online" and "Bancontact/Mr. Cash".